Philbrick Cricenti Bog (a NH family persuasive adventure)

Philbrick Cricenti Bog

On Sunday, October 3rd, shortly after noon my family and I went to Philbrick Cricenti Bog.  It was a cloudy, but still interesting and fun day.  I like that we were on top of a pond.  It was awesome because you were walking on boards.  You should go!

There were many plants like red maples, royal ferns, leather leaves, cinnamon ferns, and bog rosemary.  There are so many plants there, I bet that it would fill up half of this page if I were going to list them all.  Lastly, the plants are amazing.  You should go if you enjoy plants, and if not, there are pretty views too.

There were lots of mushrooms!  I found mushrooms in a hole.  They looked like they were in a snake hole.  I found mushrooms on a tree that looked like they had two or three different colors.  I found a mushroom that looked like it had mold on it.  Also, I found a red mushroom that you typically see in the movies.  There were many others too.

It was so interesting because we were walking on boards over a lake.  The reason we had to walk on boards is because a floating mat grew on top of the pond, and if you stepped off, you could fall in up to twenty feet of water!  Sometimes it is also referred to as a “quaking bog” because the mat is not strong enough to hold the weight of a person.

I personally loved the Philbrick Cricenti Bog.  If you love adventuring, I think you will love it too.  It has pretty mushrooms, lots of plants, and scenic views.  It’s also a great way to get some fresh air and enjoy God’s wonderful creations.

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